TD 30 Day Challenge

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Name: Total Drama 30 Day Challenge
Date(s): 03 - 30 September 2013
Moderator(s): (n/a)
Founder: duncans-do-not-sing and forevertrueblue
Type: Tumblr Posts
Fandom: Total Drama
Associated Community: Total Drama Fandom on Tumblr
URL: TD 30 Day Challenge, Archived version on Tumblr
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

TD 30 Day Challenge was a blogging-centric Tumblr challenge in the Total Drama fandom. It encouraged fans to answer questions with their own opinions on the show, screencaps, GIFs and drawings. It also made the rounds on Tumblr 2017, though this was less successful than in 2013.


  1. First Episode You Watched
  2. Fave Male Character
  3. Fave Host
  4. Least Fave Canon Couple
  5. Fave TDI Episode
  6. A scene that makes you mad or sad
  7. Least Fave Female Character
  8. Fave Season
  9. Fave Friendship
  10. Least Fave TDWT Episode
  11. Fave Team
  12. Fave Side Character
  13. Least Fave Season
  14. Fave Female Character
  15. Fave Canon Couple
  16. Least Fave Male Character
  17. Fave Song
  18. Fave Villain
  19. Fave TDA Episode
  20. Fave Fanon Couple
  21. Least Fave TDROTI Episode
  22. Fave Rivalry
  23. Funniest Character
  24. Fave Challenge
  25. Fave TDWT Episode
  26. Fave TDROTI Episode
  27. Fave Quote
  28. Least Fave TDI Episode
  29. Biggest Plot Twist
  30. Would you join TD?
