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Title: Suttee
Author(s): Jintian
Genre(s): Scully/Doggett, smidgen of MSR
Fandom(s): The X-Files
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Suttee is an X-Files story by Jintian.

Reactions and Reviews

Jintian gives us a Scully who's lost to everything but self-punishment and a Doggett who's just plain lost, sex and rage wrapped up in character revelation. When Jintian first posted this, I told her I wasn't sure I liked it -- but I was damn sure affected by it. I still feel the same way.[1]

I usually don't read DSR (just not my thing) but this was beautiful and painful. This is how I can see a DSR being possible in canon. Scully becoming bitter and almost unfeeling, Doggett just trying to help, hurting himself while he does it.[2]

(NC-17, XF, Scully/Doggett) Very uncompromising, beautifully written. As a very perceptive person on the mailing list where this was first posted said: "How can something be so hot and so cold at the same time?" *Highly* recommended.[3]


  1. ^ recced at Crack Van, February 2004
  2. ^ recced at Crack Van, February 2004
  3. ^ YMMV