The Sunnydale Slayers (mailing list)

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You may be looking for the zine series, The Sunnydale Slayers (zine).

Mailing List
Name: The Sunnydale Slayers (mailing list) (also known as SunS)
Date(s): June 3, 1997-2003?
Moderators/List Maintainers: Lizbetann and diannelamerc
Fandom: Buffy the Vampire Slayer
URL: website
Mailing list logo
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The Sunnydale Slayers was a mailing list of Buffy fans.

In addition to the mailing list, list members also wrote and had published several print fanzines and their dedicated website also hosted a fan fiction archive, along with filk, round robins and fiction challenges. It offered episode reviews and sound clips from the show. Mailing list membership was capped and new members had to be sponsored.

This mailing list was associated with the Forever Knight group, NatPack.

Zines Published

From the Website FAQ

Who are the Sunnydale Slayers?

  • Answer: The Sunnydale Slayers (SunS) are a gang of people on the Internet who wanted to talk about, lust after, and discuss in depth the television series Buffy the Vampire Slayer and its stars.

So this isn't just a women's drool fest over Anthony Stewart Head, James Marsters and Nicholas Brendon?

  • Answer: Nope. We have male members, and discussions also range through fanfiction, the mythology of the show, current and past projects the actors are involved in, alleviation of Buffy Withdrawal Syndrome, character development, and personal issues that have nothing whatsoever to do with the show.

One of the group's activities was to create lengthy "quote lists." Again from the FAQ:

What's with the quote lists?
  • Answer: "The ritual quoting, you mean? It's the .sig jihad, where we attempt to grind one another into embarrassed pulp with deliberate quotation." -- Tina C. Actually, it started out as a NatPack thing. Whenever large groups of SunS/NatPackers gather in one place, everything silly/sick/twisted they say tends to get written down and preserved for posterity (and future blackmail purposes). The tendency was extended to cover Buffy episodes, and everything said on-list for SunS, basically.

So what's a NatPack?

  • Answer: The NatPack is a fan affiliation from Forever Knight fandom; the 'Pack was formed to support coronor Natalie Lambert of that series. About half of SunS membership is either NatPackers, or members of other FK affiliations who are trying to avoid becoming part of the NatPack (four Mercenaries and a Ravenette, if anyone's keeping count). Most of the rest are from Highlander fandom, by the way, which explains all of the decapitation and Immortal jokes.

Fan Comments

Arguably some of most consistently excellent Buffy fanfic on the web, by some of the most talented writers I've ever had the priviledge to know. Did I mention I run the site? CL Kamnikar's Disneyland is the latest addition, a gorgeous post-Chosen story, picking up precisely where the series ended, and designed to give you the emotional closure that Joss and Company skipped. Christina's usual excellent touch for dialogue and characterization holds true; you may come out of it crying, but you'll also feel a lot better. After you're done, read the rest, then head over to the The Angel Annex for a small archive of 'Angel' fic. [1]
