Summer Camp (Star Trek: TOS story)

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Title: Summer Camp
Author(s): Syl F
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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Summer Camp is an Star Trek: TOS story by Syl F.

It was posted at alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

This one should win [an ASC Award], hands down. We've seen a lot of new stuff this year, and this one really stands out. I should know. I lost out to Syl on the ASCA TOS awards. What is remarkable was that "Summer Camp" does not read like a first time author. Nor does it fall into the same tired cliches we see when someone tries to write about regular characters in their early years. This was a fresh story that made use of canon and noncanon sources quite well. [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, March 1998