Summer's Men

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Title: Summer's Men
Author(s): Kest
Date(s): August 17, 2000
Fandom(s): The Dark Is Rising
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Summer's Men is a The Dark Is Rising slash fic from 2000, one of the earliest available online, centering on Bran/Will. It has been frequently recommended and is considered an influential part of the fandom.

Reactions and Reviews

this is a sort of moody quiet futurefic, sort of angsty and saturated with nature imagery. it has an ending which i can believe in, but it calls up several themes without really going anywhere with any of them--i don't meant to imply that was an accident, only that it may be frustrating.


(Yes, I've mentioned this one before, but I don't care. Some fics just deserve our unwholesome worship, and there's nothing we can do but give it.) I started this fully intending to feel righteous indignation and ended up only feeling that Kest got it just right. From now on, this is grown up Will and Bran for me.

