Submitting it to Memory

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Title: Simonides, submitting it to memory
Author(s): queen_ypolita
Date(s): 12 June 2009
Length: 218 words
Genre(s): poetry
Fandom(s): Mary Renault, Historical RPF
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"Submitting it to Memory"[1] is a poem by queen_ypolita written as a contribution to the Five Year Celebrations for maryrenaultfics community at livejournal. The poem focuses on the ‘party’ celebrating the five year celebrations by the community at the virtual In Their Own Words clubhouse, as witnessed (and recorded through poetry) by Simonides.

Comments by readers include:

  • You've made me quite sentimental, and the lovely image you conjure of Simonides standing a little distance from the crowd and recording it to memory is one that I know will always remain with me. [2]my_cnnr
