Stripping Away

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Stripping Away
Author(s): Mia Athlas
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Stripping Away is a Jim/Blair story by Mia Athlas.

Reactions and Reviews

I've read a few TS stripper stories. Most of them have the guys working a case, and it's usually Blair who does the stripping. And I enjoy this. In Stripping Away by Mia Athlas, however, it's Jim who struts his stuff while under cover—and much to everyone's surprise, it's not the first time he's shimmied down the catwalk. Now, this really got to me. I found the description of Jim dancing and taking his clothes while Blair watches in the audience incredibly steamy, but also oddly tender. A vulnerable Jim—especially physically, sexually vulnerable—gets me every time. There's also a sequel, One Last Time, in which Jim and Blair further explore their relationship and wrap up the case.[1]
