Steel Sky

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Title: Steel Sky
Publisher: Alan R. Barnes
Editor(s): Alan R. Barnes
Date(s): 1980s
Medium: print
Fandom: Doctor Who
Language: English
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Steel Sky is a gen anthology of Doctor Who fiction and articles.

Issue 1

Issue 2

Steel Sky 2 was published in 1981.

cover of issue #2
'The 1972 Annual' a spoof review of a non-existent Doctor Who Annual by Antony McKay, something in which it appears, that the editor himself fell for: "The editor would like to make it clear that the '1972 Annual' article is Antony McKay's idea of a joke. The editor did not find it at all amusing as he was told after the 'zine had been printed."

Local Groups were also a main-stay of Doctor Who fandom in the 1980s one such group from Sheffield reported on their activities such as, how the group was formed following an advert in the DWAS newsletter, The Celestial Toyroom, by John Connors; slide shows of personal photographs featuring 'Dr.Who and the Daleks'. 'Warriors' Gate' to 'Logopolis'; The forming of this very fanzine; deadlines for the CMS Blackpool event of issue one; plus news of a proposed fandom film featuring Gundans!

Photographs from 'The Three Doctors', 'Day of the Daleks' and 'The Sea Devils' formed part of 'Visualiser'. John P. Jones' article, 'Pseudonym' looked at ways in which names had been used widely to name people and places, with the article not setting out to study a few instances in the usage of names but instead highlighted the many different aspects of the subject. A selection of photographs from the afore mentioned CMS Blackpool gathering followed the article, which was followed by a Trivia quiz about the 1970s story 'Inferno'.

'da Silva' looked at the transmission of Doctor Who by WPTV in South Florida and how it was trailed between programmes and how commercials are constantly run throughout the episode, even halfway through the credits! With constant voice overs by Howard da Silva how annoying can it get? Thankfully we have the BBC!

Another 'Visualiser' featured 'Carnival of Monsters', 'The Green Death' and 'Death to the Daleks'. 'Argolis to Logopolis' reviewed the 18th Season of Doctor Who, with the reviewer stating that "...after the rock bottom drivel of the last season, we were given the best Doctor Who season in years.’ The Leisure Hive' was just incredible." With ‘Meglos’, the reviewer felt that, “Jacqueline Hill was ok as Lexa, though her pointless death with the “Oh Doctor, she saved my life.” bit was cliché of the year.” The reviewer’s favourite story was ‘Full Circle’ with episodes one and two “…boasting lush exterior scenes…lavish interior sets…” and the story being “…very clever…”

‘State of Decay’ however was thought to be “…a classic…” but the reviewer’s impression was that “…in places fairly boring”. But having re-watched the story “…began to like it!”; ‘Warriors’ Gate ‘ was a “…breath of fresh air…” but felt that Romana’s leaving was a little too rushed. “ There was something about ‘The Keeper of Traken’ that I didn’t like…the story was ingenious but I still particularly enjoy it all the same.”, stating the reason as being, “I knew the Master would be in both ‘Traken’ and ‘Logopolis’ and I think this sort of ruined this for me.”; ‘Logopolis’ part one was “…the best episode I have seen for ages.”, and that “The actual regeneration was truly amazing…the end titles billed Peter Davison as the Doctor, finally severing Tom Baker from the role as the fourth Doctor: the Wanderer in Eternity.”

The illustrations from Andrew Pixley, Paul Hickling and Stephen McKay were superb throughout. [1]
