Station Break (Forever Knight story)

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Title: Station Break
Author(s): Fenris
Date(s): 2000 or before
Length: ~ 52 KB
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Forever Knight
External Links: online here, here, and here

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Station Break is a Forever Knight Knight/Lacroix story by Fenris.

It is a prequel to Light Reading.

Summary: "Lacroix learns - the hard way - that Nick can be very devious when he wants to be... and the city gets an unexpected earful from a certain radio station."

Reactions and Reviews

Like most of us, Fenris prefers to ignore the last events in the show's finale and instead shows us a Nick who has had to acknowledge that his attempt at regaining his humanity with Natalie's help has failed, and now decides to redefine his relationship with his sire. Fenris shows us the deep affection underlying their bond that has survived all their fights and differences of opinion, and is the reason that they are the only ones who are able to hurt the other where it really counts. Light and wickedly funny, those two stories are a balm to the soul for anyone who's still traumatized from "Last Knight". So, no matter what Lacroix has done on the show, don't stake him - leave him to Nick.[1]
