Spelunking the Neo-Hippy Witchdoctor

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Spelunking the Neo-Hippy Witchdoctor
Author(s): Grit Kitty
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Spelunking the Neo-Hippy Witchdoctor is a Jim/Blair story by Grit Kitty.

Reactions and Reviews

I came across Grit Kitty's stories pretty early in my TS life and this fic in particular has stayed with me. Her Jim is very articulate in his thoughts, and there are moments in those thoughts that are just so right, laying Jim right open. Also, this fic has some exceedingly hot moments that I love because they involve character- and situation-driven sex that reveals more about both guys at the same time it raises the temperature a good twenty or thirty degrees, (And there are splinters involved, and who knew splinters could be such a turn-on?)

So, here's the deal: post Secrets, Simon gives the guys a little time off. Blair, being Blair, thinks spelunking would be fun. Jim has other ideas entirely about spelunking as a sport, and a few leftover issues to resolve, now that he knows all about Blair's Excellent and Scary Running-For-His-Life Adventure.

Grit Kitty's writing in this fic is dense and rich; repays reading slowly and watchfully for all the truths it deals out about Jim and Blair and control and fear and caring, and a connection that's turning out to be deeper than either of them have really admitted yet.[1]


  1. ^ 2012 comments at Crack Van