Soulbound (YOI zine)

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Title: Soulbound
Publisher: Independent Publication
Editor(s): evedelightsinapples
Cover Artist(s):
Type: Fanart, Fanfiction
Date(s): 2018
Medium: Print, PDF
Size: about 100 pages
Fandom: Yuri on Ice‎
Language: English
External Links: at Tumblr
at Twitter
Click here for related articles on Fanlore.

Soulbound, also known as the YOI Soulmate Zine, is a zine featuring fanwork of multiple ships from Yuri on Ice‎.

akai ito!Victuuri header created by @morgen-huoreart
akai ito!Victuuri header created by @morgen-huoreart
Who is the person you are destined to be with?


Soulband was a non-profit zine, with all proceeds donated to Heart to Heart International[1]. They raised $2869.12.

Preorders opened June 2018. Merch included a stickers, bookmarks, art prints, and charms.

Welcome to Soulbound, the YOI Soulmate Zine.

This zine is dedicated to all and every Soulmate AU in existence, but was particularly inspired by our love for the fanfiction Fated by maydei.[2]

This zine will be an exploration and adventure of soulmate AUs featuring different Yuri!!! on Ice pairings. Our zine is welcome to any and all pairings of characters in Yuri!!! on Ice as well as any and all soulmate ideas.

As our zine is NSFW, please note that all characters featured in this zine need to be aged up appropriately to meet the 18+ criteria.[3]


On April 30, 2018, the list of participants and other collaborators was posted on zine's Tumblr.[4]



Guest Artists:[4] Crimson-Chains @crimson-chains |•| Heilariart @heilariart |•| Iruutciv @iruutciv |•| Morgen @morgen-huoreart |•| Naeart @nae812 |•| Shino @rainlikestars

Guest Writers:[4] Copperwings @worldofcopperwings |•| Lucy Camui @lucycamui |•| Maydei @maydei

Accepted Artists:[4] Adascribbles @adascrbbles |•| Alli @nikiforoov |•| Ammonium @ammoniium |•| Carymono @victuuri_islife |•| Clae @maclaeroni |•| Dyeingdoll @dyeingdoll |•| Electricorn @electricorn |•| Happyfluids @happyfluids |•| Ghostly @ghostlybl |•| Hisao @hisao-san |•| Homra kid @homra-kid |•| Kao @saskervilles |•| Minallys @minallysshittyart |•| Morrindah @somethingyoirelated |•| Nova @novanoah |•| Pine @pinytree |•| Remi @rmkrsw |•| Si3art @si3art |•| Simona Artista @simona-artista-artblog |•| Skitschell @skitschell |•| Sleepyfortress @sleepyfortress |•| Spelonberry @spelon-berry |•| Taiga @odinbytiye |•| Yuuya @nakutan |•| Zara Zukinee @zarazukinee

Accepted Merch Artists:[4] Homra Kid @homra-kid |•| Nopedia @nopedia47

Accepted Guest Writers:[4] Adelth @adelth |•| Aurum Auri @aurum-auri |•| Japansace @japansace |•| Lilithiumwords @amberstarfight |•| Lily Winterwood @omgkatsudonplease |•| Meri @miss-meri |•| Nyerus @nyerus |•| Orchids @orchids-and-fictional-cities

Promotional Contributors:[4] Helena @bracari |•| Eve @evedelightsinapples |•| Lou @louciferish


  1. ^ From their FAQ: "Our zine is a charity zine. Profits will be donated to Heart to Heart International."
  2. ^ Fated. Posted 6 Oct 2017. Accessed 7 Feb 2020.
  3. ^ YOI Soulmate Zine. Accessed 7 Feb 2020.
  4. ^ a b c d e f g "YOI Soulmate Zine — We are excited to present the final participant..." 2018-04-28. Archived from the original on 2021-09-07.