Something for the weekend...

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Title: Something for the weekend...
Author(s): trueriver
Date(s): 30 June 2006
Length: 3411 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Something for the weekend..." is a short story by trueriver based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set some time after the novel, later in the war.


Laurie returns to the village to visit his mother in the vicarage, realizing all too quickly the ubiquity of her new husband. To aggravate the situation, there is another guest, Babs Whiteley.[1] Even when he manages a private conversation, his mother's assumptions are trying.


The story is illustrated with two carefully "aged" black-and-white pictures of buildings suitable to be the vicarage. These were supplied by my_cnnr.


Comments included the following:

  • "Ah, the boys are doing well. Poor Laurie, having to stand his visit without Ralph, but perhaps made him realize the wonders of Ralph! Just loved it! As always you take my breath away. I have to go read it again. Have a great weekend, as I shall have! *sigh*"—comment by biggerbuns
  • "Oh, this is great :) The visit as you've written it so ghastly yet Mr and Mrs Strike are perfectly in character. And I liked the way you involved Babs Whitely as well."—comment by queen_ypolita


  1. ^ Babs Whitely is a minor character in The Charioteer. A relation of Straike's, she attended his wedding to Laurie's mother in Chapter Twelve.