Some Inexplicable Something

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Title: Some Inexplicable Something
Author(s): Belinda
Length: 25K
Genre: het
Fandom: Stargate SG-1
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Some Inexplicable Something is a Daniel/Janet story by Belinda.

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Set at an indeterminate time after "Forever In A Day", this story is a first time PWP showing the beginning of a relationship between Daniel and Janet. Written almost entirely in Janet's point of view, the background to the story is provided as hints rather than as plot, which neatly avoids spoilers for those who don't already know the episodes. The author assumes the reader is familiar with the canonical background and doesn't waste time repeating it.

When I first read this story, NC17 was a rare rating for this pairing and this one stood out as a real gem. The opening would be enough to make me hit delete today (Daniel is described as looking "like a puppy expecting to be scolded" and as "entirely too adorable") but this really isn't representative of the story as a whole.

As the story develops, small details make it clear that an attraction has been developing between the couple for some time. In the infirmary being patched up after a minor injury, Daniel impulsively acts on that attraction. His first advance is very tentative but as soon as they are both confident of each other's feelings, things move very fast. There is a feeling of inevitability about it, a sense of "why go slow just because we're *supposed* to?" which seems in character for Daniel, especially so soon after the loss of Sha're, but surprised me coming from Janet. The characterisation of Janet is good and her no-nonsense practicality comes across strongly. Jack's interruption of their first tender moment is a cliché, but it's a fun one, and I love the way little practical details keep interrupting the romantic flow; it makes the story realistic as well as erotic.

The sex scene is not outstanding, as these things go, but it's very tender and erotic, well written, and free of the "adorable" clichés of the opening paragraphs.

My one real complaint about this story is Jack's voice. In his brief appearance he calls Daniel "Space Monkey" and "Danny-boy"but not "Daniel", not even once. This is not exactly the Jack I'm familiar with but Jack is incidental to the story, anyway.

Overall, I found this a good read.[1]
