So, My Love

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Title: So, My Love
Author(s): Jackie Barnes
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9
External Links: Available at trekiverse

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So, My Love is a Star Trek: DS9 story by Jackie Barnes. The ship is Odo/Weyoun.

It was posted at alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

A very intriguing take on an intriguing possible couple. Being an equal-opportunity OdoGoddess, I love both Odo hetsmut and Odo slash, and this is definitely on my "keeper's" list of Odo slash. It is a bit graphic, but in the context of the relationship (and I definitely see Weyoun as submissive toward the founders) it fits quite beautifully. Jackie's style of writing is refreshing -- no nonsense, no holds barred, just some excellent smut and that is what this is. I enjoy the occasional bdsm fanfic, particularly when there is plenty of comfort to go with the hurt, but it is rarely written in the DS9 arena outside of G/B, so this was a treat on that basis alone. However, if you happen to like bdsm, whatever your favoured pairing might be, this story will appeal. [1]


  1. ^ ASC, March 1998