Silence Waiting

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Title: Silence Waiting
Author(s): Jesemie’s Evil Twin
Fandom(s): The X-Files
External Links: at Gossamer

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Silence Waiting is an X-Files MSR story by Jesemie’s Evil Twin.

Reactions and Reviews

Because, like everything JET has written, it is utterly, utterly gorgeous. No one writes like her. I only wish I could.

Silence Waiting is two parallel stories about love and mind-reading. One is, of course, Mulder and Scully’s story. The other belongs to two original characters. Their story reflects and illuminates the relationship between Mulder and Scully, but it also stands on its own. Gretta and Fredrick aren’t simply ciphers; they’re people you grow to care for.

This is a story about listening: to another, to yourself, to what’s not being said. It’s about the kind of love that is quiet, but fierce, and precious. [1]


  1. ^ het reccers, November 2012