Signal to Noise

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Signal to Noise
Author(s): Betty Plotnick
Date(s): 12 March 2001[1]
Length: 16k
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: online here

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Signal to Noise is a Jim/Blair story by Betty Plotnick. It is part of the series Sixteen Instinctive Behaviors.


The one where they finally get to that strip club.
episode: Second Chance, instinctive behavior: Socializing [2]

Jim was right about the strip club; Blair is a really friendly guy.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

Geez Louise, I could have picked any one of Betty Plotnick’s stories to rec, but decided to go with “Signal to Noise.”

There’s something about a befuddled Jim recognizing Blair as a force of nature that grills my cheese. And I love the way this woman writes, smart and sharp.

Betty herself blurbs it with, “Jim was right about the strip club; Blair is really a very friendly guy.”

“He struck up a conversation, for Christ's sake, with the guy who was having his bachelor party at the next table over, whose name was Max and hailed from Cascade, but met his fiancee Jessica at college in Boulder, Colorado, where Blair had once spent a spring break bicycling, and it just so happened that Max worked in a mountain bike shop during high school and knew where Blair should go to get a good deal on the same kind of bike that one of the big messenger companies in town used.

He managed to get behind the bar and show the bartender, a young ex-Marine with square glasses and a square jaw named Alfonzo, how to make some insanely rich drink with kahlua, vodka, galliano, and cream. It caught on with the masses, and Sandburg made almost twenty bucks in tips.

And, of course, he found a way to cozy up to one of the dancers, whose name was Corinna. She was an undergrad at Rainier, majoring in Peace Studies, and they had enough professorial acquaintances in common to make Jim ready to club them both to death with a microbrewery bottle. Blair scored her older sister's phone number. He also mentioned in conversation that Jim was a police officer, which effectively quashed Jim's chances for a second lap dance even if he tipped like Aristotle Onassis.” [3]


  1. ^ a b Stories by Betty Plotnick at 852 Prospect, capture 20 December 2012.
  2. ^ Stories by Betty Plotnick at, accessed 01 October 2018.
  3. ^ pepper_ckua's rec at crack_van, 19 September 2007.