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SiIvaGunner (commonly pronounced with a second 'i' as opposed to an 'l') refers to both the panfandom collective and the Youtube channel focusing around fan audio remixes and mashups, disguised as normal uploads of mostly video game music. The uploads themeselves also contain musical jokes recurrent to said channel's fandom and overarching lore, as well as renditions of said video game music in other styles, often unrelated to the game's own. As of the present, it's on track towards its ninth "season" and still has a finale episode of the in-universe multiversal story The GiLvaSunner Christmas Comeback Crisis en route.

Name: SiIvaGunner
Abbreviation(s): SiIva
Creator: Chaze the Chat, MtH
Date(s): 2016-
Medium: Music, Fan Remix
Country of Origin:
External Links: Youtube, Bandcamp
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Fandom Overview

While most of the fandom surrounding the eponymous collective, including its contributors, are also video game fans themselves, the channel's reach has significantly expanded beyond its bubble, with recent uploads pertaining to non-video game media and other fandoms through humorous references. Some fans and contributors of the channel are also notable for being well-known musicians themselves, such as Camellia, for instance.

Aside from fans submitting their own "rips" to the main channel, there are also fan channels revolving around the same premise, albeit with their own personality and type of focused media, TimmyTurnersGrandDad (an altered mashed-up personification of both 7 Grand Dad and Timmy Turner's father from Fairly OddParents!, respectively) and VvvvvaVvvvvvr being the first and most prominent ones, as of May 2024.

Takeovers and Events

At certain days (or months), the channel will accordingly alter its banner, profile picture, and description pertaining to what main joke(s) are taking over; usually, rips appearing during this limited period always have the same joke(s) tacked on to them, in creative ways, and an album containing all of the takeover-era rips will be released shortly after it concludes; some of them have their own self-contained storyline to accompany the event.


On July 27, 2018, SiIvaGunner hosted, for the first time, a special takeover event in the form of a eleimination-style bracketed tournament, titled King for a Day (KFAD), where 16 characters across various fandoms, each with their own personality and choice of sources, compete against each other for the grand prize of "ruling over the channel" - i.e., a particular day for the winner's joke. The way these battles were conducted per round were through fanmade remixes, covers, or rearrangements of their representative tracks; viewers can then vote whoever side was the objectively-better one, and the side with the most votes advances to the higher brackets, eventually leading to the grand final.

The eventual winner of said tournament went to Unregistered Hypercam 2, against Off the Hook, with a vote margin of 56%/44%; thus, their eventual takeover consisted of rips revolving around the eponymous software.

A more elaborate sequel, titled King For Another Day, or KFAD2 in short, was held more than a year later, and expanded the roster to double the size. With the addition of newcomer "fighters" came further fan engagement, and expanded fictional characters' banters and interactions, through a "mojo" website dedicated to that aspect.

The eventual winner of said tournament went to DJ Professor K, against Mariya, both of whom have originally faced with two other fighters against the post-semifinal boss fight, against a possessed Uregistered Hypercam 2, through its own set of remix rips, prompting fans and all the other fighters to aid in "defeating" it through "smashing the MF Like button"; the next months following 2020 were dedicated to his takeover event, complete with a 24-hour livestream resembling an actual internet radio broadcast.

Notable Works

Fannish Links and Further Reading