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Title: Salus
Author(s): Victoria Bitter
Fandom(s): Horatio Hornblower
External Links: Salus (The Horatio Hornblower Fanfiction Archive)

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Salus is a Horatio Hornblower story by Victoria Bitter.

Recs and Reviews

I'm obsessing over Horatio Hornblower in a big bad way right now (and if you think I ever thought I'd be saying those words....) Sinfully gorgeous men in uniform... swashbuckling adventure... a blue-eyed, blond-haired, epileptic young man with a canonical history of abuse and panic attacks... what more could a girl ask for, especially when you add in the fact that it's slashy as hell? Well, good stories, obviously, which can be distressingly hard to find given the quality of the source product. But when they're good, they're good, and here are some of the best: [...] Salus, by Victoria Bitter, is a missing scene from "Retribution," the latest Hornblower movie. I wouldn't read it if you haven't already seen "Retribution," but if you have and it pained you as much as it did me, this lovely little piece might be just the thing. I give it two hankies.[1]


  1. ^ Cori Lannam. Cori Lannam's Mild-Mannered Recommendations Page - 2001 Recs, 11 June 2001. (Accessed 09 April 2016)