Ryan's Lion

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Name: Ryan's Lion
Date(s): 1994 to 1997
Archivist: Ryan McGinnis
Founder: Ryan McGinnis
Type: fanfiction, poetry, essays
Fandom: The Lion King
URL: https://www.lionking.org/~ryan/lionking/text or https://web.archive.org/web/20010526174650/http://www.lionking.org/~ryan/lionking/
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Ryan's Lion is a fanworks archive, primarily fanfiction, poetry, and essays for The Lion King (1994 animated film) and related fandoms. The website, one of the first dedicated to the Lion King, was online between 1994 and 1997. [1].


Sometime between April 1999 and April 2000 the website moderator added the following text to the homepage: "Note: This site has not been updated since 1997. Enjoy, kids -- but please don't email me any new stories or art to put online. Thanks!"


  1. ^ Ryan Lion's Home Page (Wayback) (Accessed 19 July 2024)