Rhetorical Questions

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Title: Rhetorical Questions
Author(s): Willa Shakespeare
Date(s): 2000
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
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Rhetorical Questions is a Blake/Avon Blake's 7 story by Willa Shakespeare.

It was originally printed in the zine Fire and Ice #6.

Reactions and Reviews

Oh, no, Avon's been drugged and is about to be raped, and Blake has to charge in to rescue him. Except the situation isn't *quite* what Blake thinks it is... This is another one with a really good sex scene. My goodness, they actually *talk* to each other about what they're doing, the way you'd expect people having sex for the first time to do! And I love Avon's attitude, subverting as he does all the usual expectations about what constitutes being the "submissive" vs. the "dominant" partner.[1]

I like this fic a lot so it seems unfair to begin my review of it by saying 'more prison rape, more D/s' but honestly that's how I feel at this point. Although it is worth mention that Avon doms Blake, which is not as rare as it seems initially, but is still appreciated (that's the way I like it). There's also a bit where Avon slaps Blake around the face and they have a weakass fight, which is hilarious. That's not the main part of the fic, but I really like it and all the build up at the beginning. Then we get to the sex, which is too master/servant for me - in general, and for me having read this run of fics in a short space of time...[2]


  1. ^ a review by Belatrix Carter at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site, Archived version
  2. ^ aralias reviewed this zine in November 2013 on Dreamwidth; WebCite