Responsibility (Star Trek TOS story)

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Title: Responsibility
Author(s): Anne Laurie Logan
Date(s): 1980
Genre(s): gen
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Responsibility is a Star Trek: TOS story by Anne Laurie Logan .

It was published in the print zine Alpha Continuum #4.

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Illo interp - one of the Three in cloaks in the mountains, Kirk with a staff, plus one of Kirk, chained to a rock with a serpent after him. Suffering from debilitating nightmares, Kirk seeks the help of dream therapists - (apparently on the planet where the women engineers gave Enterprise's computer its quirky personality). They send him on a dream Quest, with Spock & McCoy also providing their dreams to the technicians. In payment, Kirk captures an Orion pirate ship that has been plaguing their planet. [1]
