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Title: Relations
Author(s): Penny Dreadful
Date(s): 2001
Genre(s): het
Fandom(s): Blake's 7
External Links: online here

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Relations is a Blake's 7 story by Penny Dreadful. It was published in I, Mutoid in 2001.


Relations: this Blakes 7 story originally appeared in I, Mutoid, edited by the lovely and talented Emma Peel. Thanks, Emma! [1]

Reactions and Reviews

It beautifully ties together and fleshes out various insufficiently-developed bits of canon. It presents an utterly believable and convincing look at what life is like on Earth under the Federation. It's extremely well-written, as all of Penny's stories are. And all of that would be reason enough to read it, but what really makes this story a stand-out is the chillingly perfect way it conveys the horrifying, mundane evil of the Federation, evil inflicted not by mustache-twirling villains, but by human beings who may actually believe they're doing good, or at least doing an honest day's work. The POV character -- whose name attentive B7 fans will recognize -- works in a processing facility which creates mutoids, and the complete matter-of-factness with which she regards the horrors that surround her literally makes the hair on the back of my neck stand up. This one isn't for the faint-hearted, but it packs one hell of an impact. [2]

"Relations" by Penny Dreadful answers the question of where mutoids come from, and it's an extremely well-thought out, well-presented, and disturbing answer. It also provides yet another answer to the question of Kiera's original identity, and a wonderfully fitting and ironic one, IMHO. And the characterization of pre-mutoid Kiera herself is wonderful; she strikes me as an ordinary and very sympathetic person, yet simultaneously as soulless and empty of compassion any mutoid. (There's a scene in here that may well qualify as the most chilling thing I've read recently, and all the more so because, from Kiera's viewpoint, it's viewed so utterly matter-of-factly.) Being a Penny Dreadful story, of course, it also features a great deal of Travis. [3]

Like every story of hers that I've ever read, Penny Dreadful's PWB Travis story, "Relations," is a knockout. That's Relations as in Public Relations; some people can put a good spin on practically anything and even be perfectly sincere about it. Chilling. [4]


  1. ^ the summary on author's website
  2. ^ Recced by AstroGirl at Crack Van, February 2, 2005
  3. ^ from Betty Ragan at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site
  4. ^ from Sarah Thompson at Judith Proctor's Blake's 7 site