Reaction Video

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A reaction video is a recording of an individual or group watching other videos, usually for the first time. It is a good way for fans to preview works by watching someone else comment on them.

Reaction Videos as a part of fandom

Many of the most popular movies or music groups have reaction videos to their works, especially on websites like YouTube. The reactor usually shows parts of the show, often partially covered for copyright reasons, and then talks about what is happening. It can be very useful if the original source is on a streaming service, or behind some kind of paywall, because it gives access to content that can not be easily seen or found.

Reaction videos may be primarily a method for influencers to make money by getting hits on youtube, and so it seems more like a money making proposition than a fandom activity especially when the influencers have not yet seen the work, but many of these reviewers watch videos and shows that are recommended by fans, so reaction videos can be a way to gauge the popularity of a fandom. The works with the most hits may show which works fans are most interested in finding out about, or which works have stood the test of time.

Reviewers often specialize, so their videos can act as a gateway to introduce people to certain fandoms.

Examples of fandoms with reaction videos

Notable Reaction Videos