Rare Male Slash Exchange

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Gift Exchange
Name: Rare Male Slash Exchange
Abbreviation: RMSE
Date(s): 2017 - present
Runs: April - August
Moderator(s): rareslashex-mod (2017-2019)
thedevilchicken (2019[1]
tentaclemod(2022-present)[2] - 2022)
Type: fanwork gift exchange
Fandom: multifandom
Associated Community: Dreamwidth
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Rare Male Slash Exchange is a gift exchange for M/M pairings with fewer than 200 works on AO3.

Event Info

Ship Eligibility

To be eligible, a pairing must fulfill the following criteria:

  • Be a slash ship involving male characters only
  • Have no more than 200 fics on AO3 - this includes only complete works of at least 1000 words in English (using "otp: true")

Where numbers are borderline, the mod reserves the right to use their discretion; please feel free to make a case in the eligibility post![3]



During the 2020 iteration of the event, there was a notable incident involving sockpuppeting, in which a collection of accounts attributed to the same user were largely assigned one single account 'soarc' as both creator and recipient.[4] These sockpuppet accounts were commonly referred to as the 'socktopus' on Fail-Fandomanon "Bangs, Fests, and Exchanges" threads.



  1. ^ Creators Revealed! post in which thedevilchicken annonced that they would be running the exchange in 2020. Posted 12 Augsut 2019.
  2. ^ Rare Male Slash Exchange 2022 post in which tentaclemod announced that they were running the exchange for 2022. Posted 26 April 2022.
  3. ^ Rare Male Slash Exchange Rules & Schedule 2023 but this rule has held steady across the years. e.g. here's the 2017 rules.
  4. ^ BFE thread summarizing socktopus incident