Quantum of Solace

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Title: Quantum of Solace
Author(s): M. Fae Glasgow
Genre(s): slash
Fandom(s): Adam Dalgliesh
External Links: Quantum of Solace

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Quantum of Solace is an Adam Dalgliesh/OMC story written by M. Fae Glasgow.

It was published in Pæan to Priapus #3 and is online.

Reactions and Reviews

Adam Dalgliesh is suffering from burn-out and he finds a deserted bed and breakfast in which to lick his wounds. While there he meets a grieving man who sees right through his walls to the loneliness and isolation at his core. ... As usual, M. Fae Glasgow writes intelligent prose that delights me with it's grammatical perfection <g>. Her characterisations are always interesting and her stories deal with the psychological as much as the emotional - and that's definitely my cup of tea. I love her take on the complex Dalgliesh and also her ability to create a three dimensional original character who can meet the imposing Dalgliesh on equal terms.[1]
