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Title: Provocation
Author(s): Rhien Elleth
Date(s): September 2005
Length: Words: 4,500
Fandom(s): Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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Provocation is a Stargate Atlantis Ronon/Teyla story by Rhien Elleth.

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After seven years on the run, Ronon isn't up to social niceties. He thinks something, he feels something, he acts on it -- which is how he ended up killing his old taskmaster, Kell. Teyla was there, she knows what happened, and that secret lies between them.

Canon has Teyla as a very controlled, polite individual, taking in information and spinning it into an acceptable form. She has cultivated the appearance of serenity, but whether she's really serene or not is open to interpretation.

Ronon wants to find out.[1]


  1. ^ Rec50, 2005