Prisoners of Palentar

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Title: Prisoners of Palentar
Publisher: Woods*Works Press/Triad Publications
Linda Knights
Author(s): Kelly J. Merrill
Cover Artist(s):
Date(s): the zine has a copyright of 1982, but the art is labeled 1983
Medium: fanzine
Fandom: Star Wars
External Links:
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front cover
back cover

Prisoners of Palentar is a gen Star Wars novel written by Kelly J. Merrill and published in 1982. It has 149 pages with a cover by Gail Bennett. It was edited by Jane Woods.

From the back of the zine:

Was Lady Larkspur right? Would he never get off Palentar alive? He'd survived so much --- a crash landing into a very hostile territory, a near drowning, a deadly disease, and attack from a vicious sea monster, and capture by an interplanetary slaver... not to mention the notorious Gambean Gladiator Pit -- all that now HIM. Luke knew he'd be out for recent, Luke Skywalker had, after all, dismembered him. He was weak, but he would have to face him. Above all, he couldn't let Darth Vader know the location of the Princess. Maybe his life would be enough to satisfy this Dark Lord of Sith. "Ben Kenobi give me strength" was his whispered prayer as he walked toward his doom.... THE FORCE WAS THE ONLY THING THAT COULD SAVE HIM NOW!!!

Synopsis from Media Monitor:

Set between 'A New Hope' and 'The Empire Strikes Back,' in this novel by Kelly J. Morrell, the Millennium Falcon is shot down on a very hostile planet, Luke is poisoined, Chewy is lost to a sea monster, and Luke, Han and Leia are captured by intergalactic slavers. All this and Vader is hot on their heels!