Post-Syndrome: Considerations on Sexuality in the Sime/Gen Universe

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Title: Post-Syndrome: Considerations on Sexuality in the Sime/Gen Universe
Editor(s): Kerry Schaefer
Date(s): April 1985
Medium: print
Fandom: Sime~Gen
Language: English
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Post-Syndrome: Considerations on Sexuality in the Sime/Gen Universe is a special-issue Sime~Gen 50-page zine. The artwork is by Beth Ann Wempe.

Contents include round robins, letters, and articles on several aspects of the subject.

The publisher notes: "Please note that while this zine is in no way pornographic, it deals in part with homosexuality." [1]

A fan in "touched" #7 wrote: "If anyone's interested, there's a zine debating the problems of sexuality in the Sime/Gen Universe (especially given Lichtenberg's homophobia) available, called Postsyndrome. Write to Kerry Schaefer..."

The first (only?) printing was 200 copies.

Sample Interior

"Important Information From Your Editor"

IMPORTANT INFORMATION FROM YOUR EDITOR: Since several of the articles in this zine incorporate comments, predominantly by Jacqueline but sometimes by other people also, anyone unfamiliar with this style is likely to be confused. Any comment enclosed in

double parentheses (( )) is not by the writer of the article. If no initials precede the comment, it is by Jacqueline. If ((JL: )), the comment is also by Jacqueline. ((Jean: )) means Jean Lorrah. ((Katie: )) means Katie Filipowicz. ((KS: )) means yours truly.

Copyright Info

Copyright (c) 1985 by Jacqueline Lichtenberg. All rights reserved to Ms. Lichtenberg, except where otherwise noted and arranged by prior agreement. All original artwork remains the property of its creator. According to our agreement with JL, certain material that we publish in the S/G zines must be copyrighted in her name, in order to protect her financial and professional interest in the S/G series for herself and her heirs. This includes such things as stories, songs, poems, and some speculative articles set in the S/G universe.

"The Romantic Myth and Transcendence" copyright (c) 1985 by Patricia Frazer Lamb and Dr. Diana L. Veith, reprinted by permission.


  • Selyn's Effect on Sexual Activity by Jackil Garrett (2)
  • The Semantics of LOT Relationships, excerpts from an exchange of letters between Katie Filipowicz and Jean Lorrah (8)
  • The Great Gay Channel Controversy, mediated by Kerry Schaefer. (A collection of letters, articles, etc. by numerous people, dealing with many aspects of this question) (11)
  • Round Robin on the Tecton's System of Sexual Assignments (29)
  • "The Romantic Myth and Transcendence: A Feminist Interpretation of the Kirk/Spock Bond" by Patricia Frazier Lamb and Dr. Diana L. Veith, plus Round Robin based on this article ("reprinted by permission") (37)

The Intro to "The Romantic Myth and Transcendence: A Feminist's Interpretation of the Kirk/Spock Bond"

The following article, while dealing primarily with the Kirk/Spock phenomenon of ST also brings up many interesting points for S/G fans to consider. In recent books, the protagonist is as likely as not to be a woman, but HoZ and, to an extent, UNTO, dealt with close relationships between men, and many female readers apparently found these books to be the most powerful ones in the series. Why should this sort of relationship, whether expressed sexually or not, be of such interest to women fans? In their article, Patricia Lamb and Diana Veith offer some reasonable explanations for this.

After the article are comments from several S/G fans who read it. I asked them the following questions: Do you feel, that any of this relates to the S/G series? If so, how? As women themselves gain more freedom to be strong and confident, will their interest in such male-male relationships fade? Why haven't we created any "female incomparables" in S/G fiction, now that women have begun to appear as rotagonists in the later books and stories? Or do you consider Ercy, Laneef, or Risa Tigue to be every bit as incomparable and admirable as Digen and Klyd?
