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Name: Pieathon
Date(s): November 25, 2019 – December 8, 2019
Moderator(s): MarineHaddock and DroppedAllTheseOreos
Founder: MarineHaddock and DroppedAllTheseOreos
Type: Prompt Meme
Fandom: Kamen Rider ZI-O
Associated Community: none
URL: Pirathon Challenge at AO3
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Pieathon was a 2019 fanworks smaller event for Kamen Rider Zi-O, which included fanfiction and art. It is described as "A 2-week Woz/Pie marathon of all mediums!". Artwork created for the event was posted to Twitter by participating artists with the hashtag #pieathon.

It was initially conceived to run for American Thanksgiving, playing on the theme of pie for the holiday.

The exact interpretation of "Woz/Pie" in the collection description was left up to participants. What "Pie" itself constituted, whether an inanimate food or a more active participant in the story, carried widely among entries, and interpretations of Woz's relationship with pie ranged from the gen to NSFW, sometimes featuring graphic adult content.


In episode 35 of Kamen Rider Zi-O Woz is shown to take great enjoyment in eating a homemade apple pie. Some segments of the fandom interpreted this scene to indicate Woz had a special affinity for pie specifically, while others attributed his enthusiasm to a general sweet tooth, or even specifically to a fondness for dishes baked to Tokiwa Junichiro.

The origin of Pieathon as an event can be traced back to an initially aimless observation in a discord message which noted the lack of pie related content in Zi-O fanfiction at the time, especially regarding food-based kinks. A series of events and discussions ultimately resulted in a planned event with the goal of filling this gap in fanworks content for the series.
