Phoenix APA

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Title: Phoenix APA
Editor(s): JK Parkin
Date(s): 1977[1] - 2007?
Frequency: quarterly
Medium: print
Fandom: general
Language: English
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So what the heck is a "Phoenix APA" anyway? Glad you asked! We're an amateur press association with a general interest theme, covering a wide range of fandom, from comic books, science fiction, fantasy and video games to the latest flicks, music, television and more. We're also a venue for aspiring artists and writers to perfect their craft, obtain feedback and discuss their work with fellow creators. So if you have an interest in turning pro, want to share your creative side or just want to talk about your hobbies, Phoenix is for you!

How it works: Phoenix is published quarterly, with deadlines falling on the third Friday in February, May, August and November. Members are required to contribute four pages of original material every two issues. What members contribute, though, is up to them ... it could be artwork, fiction, non-fiction articles, reviews, comic strips, comments on other people's stuff, or even an update on what's been going on in their lives.

Members then make copies of their contribution (or zine, as they are called), and send them off to the central mailer, who assembles everyone's zines into a single book - Phoenix! Members are also responsible for keeping a positive account balance with the central mailer in order to cover the cost of postage, envelopes and the printing of covers.
