Percentage Points

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Sentinel Fanfiction
Title: Percentage Points
Author(s): Grit Kitty
Date(s): July 10, 2001
Genre: slash
Fandom: The Sentinel
External Links: Percentage Points

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Percentage Points is a Jim/Blair story by Grit Kitty.


Best FF That Proves That All You Need to Make a Story Is One Really Good Metaphor. Percentage Points, by gritkitty. The Sentinel, Jim Ellison/Blair Sandburg.

Of course, it helps if this metaphor is funny, and this one is. And it also helps that Blair is who he is; I mean, there's maybe three characters I can imagine thinking like this, because there just aren't all that many people in the world who would equate groping with investing in war bonds, but Blair totally would. And, see, I'd describe more of this story, but a) you should just go read it, 'cause it's good and almost elementally jimblairy and b) I have this whole flight of fancy when I read this story that totally destroys my ability to talk about it sanely and calmly. Don't believe me? Well, see, I can't read this story without picturing the battle sequences in Lord of the Rings. Specifically, the one where Isildur took the One Ring. Which means I'm viewing Blair's sex drive as, say, a contingent of human swordsmen, his hunger as a bunch of orcish pikemen, and Blair's brain as, well, Mordor, I guess. Um. Yeah, that's probably mostly attributable to the massive doses of codeine I was on when I first read this, because upon reflection I don't think Grit Kitty intended for the reader to equate Jim with Isildur. Although this does suggest something very interesting about Blair's nipple ring that I am not, not, not thinking about ever ever again, because it is the living definition of crossover crackfic. And I'm finishing this recs set before I put any more of my insanity on parade. [1]

humour. based entirely on a really funny metaphor which works perfectly for blair pov.[2]
