Passages of Time (Beauty and the Beast zine)

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Title: Passages of Time
Date(s): June 1993
Medium: print zine
Genre: het
Fandom: Beauty and the Beast (TV)
Language: English
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Passages of Time is a 95-page het Beauty and the Beast novel by Barbara J.C. Stoddard. It contains no interior art.


  • Sad Endings, New Beginnings
  • Brothers
  • Aftermath
  • Shattered Images
  • Expectations
  • A Second Change fro Joy
  • Requiem

Reactions and Reviews

Events of these vignettes and stories are often more summarized, told about, than dramatized. This outline quality somewhat blunts their impact in places. The stories range through V's whole lifetime. Though one, “Sad Endings, New Beginnings,” is 4th season, Diana appears only briefly in a non-romantic context as V tries to put his mourning for C behind him, and Brigid O'Donnell, reported dead, retreats for good into the tunnels. “Aftermath,” which earns this zine its R rating, takes off from the end of “The Watcher.” “Brothers” is a vignette of young Devin and picked-on little brother Vincent. Infant V, newly brought to Father, finally accepts being fed and shows his “Contentment” in a unique way. In “Shattered Images,” the reaction to the Lisa incident is the focus as V hurls furniture and furiously smashes a mirror in his attempt to enter a childhood sanctuary he can no longer physically fit into. “Expectations” has V writing in his journal about his restless sense that something is about to happen, in an entry dated April 13, 1987. In “A Second Chance for Joy,” SND C recovers and rejoins V in the tunnels. Diana, again appearing briefly, is involved in C's return. And in “Requiem,” grown Jacob pronounces a eulogy at a funeral Below. Except for the omission of the necessary comma of direct address (so that one encounters sentences like C asking, “No fire Vincent?”), the mechanics of the writing are otherwise good, and the stories are readable. The stories are diverse and often thoughtful about the meaning of various events in V's life. Cover art only.[1]
