Painless j's themed lists and recs

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Recommendation Website
Name: painless_j's Themed lists and recs of HP fiction
Reccer(s): painless_j
Focus: slash
Fandom: Harry Potter, some other fandoms
URL: wayback

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painless_j managed a site of rec lists and themed lists of Harry Potter fanfic. The lists included submissions from other people; fics she personally liked/recommended were marked with a green # and fics she especially liked were marked with ##.

Submissions were accepted with "King Draco's Code" caveats:

- do not bring fics you haven’t read;
- do not bring fics you didn’t like;
- do me a courtesy, please, do not leave only a link. I’d appreciate the following info: author, title, pairing, rating, WIP status

Each rec list request (e.g. "Founderfic," stories about the Harry Potter Founders) also had other requirements, noting what kind of story details were necessary. For example, the Founderfic rec list required, "no fics where the Founders are just mentioned / spoken of. We must see them as actual characters in the fic."