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Pack Mates

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Title: Pack Mates
Publisher: Ann O'Neill
Date(s): 1995-1996
Medium: print
Fandom: due South
Language: English
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Pack Mates is a slash anthology published in Australia. All stories were written by Teresa Hehir.

Author's Comments

You remember [when] I said I had fallen in love with Due South? Well, that is something of an understatement. You remember that total involvement of first love, well that's where I am. I've even started writing! Me, I mean, writing was what other people did. My very first story turned out to be too long to fit into my friend's zine. She produces A5 format zines and my story with minimal margins and headers/footers was running to one hundred pages. You can only do eighty pages as a maximum for A5 format otherwise the cover won't close flat. So, my very first real story ends up in a zine all of my own. I then tried a PWP story. All I wanted was a pure and simple sex scene. Okay, downright filthy and very sexy scene. It ran to twelve pages. How do you write sex scenes that only take two sides of A4 paper. I have boxes full of Pros circuit stories that run to one or two pages. How do you do it?

You can tell that Due South has struck a nerve over here. We started writing in August/September and by Christmas had three zines published. That first story had me all excited and worried at the same time. What if I stopped. Could I watch anything else and still write. I haven't read anything else, no books no zines since I started writing in case it makes me stop. Sounds stupid I know but I'm having too much fun to stop. I've even got as far as writing two stories at once. I was convinced that I could only do one at a time because if I stopped writing one to start another I'd never to back to the first. I was persuaded otherwise. I've now got a long story going and a short sex piece that hopefully won't run to too many pages.

This is really fun! [1]

Fan Comments

Stories all of enjoyable quality, nicely angsty/emotional. Editing/proofreading standards poor. Recommended, good value for money. [2]

Issue 1

Pack Mates 1 was published in November 1995 and is 99 pages long.

From the flyer:

PACK MATES is a brand new slash zine based on the TV series DUE SOUTH. PACK MATES is an A4 spiral bound zine with a card cover. The interior is photocopied and totals 100 pages (for those of you who are interested in this sort of thing (!) the word count for the entire zine is 33,907), and features three stories written by Tre.

From the zine:

A writer writes... .well sort of. This writer would like to thank Ann of course, also Melanie and Angela who, between them, can take the blame for most of this. "Write a story' they said. 'It's easy' they said. They didn't say that I had to give up my life, well, what little life I had left.

  • Give Me Something for the Pain ("So, you've seen the film 'Three Men and a Baby:, well, this is a story about two men and a wolf... from a rather unique view point!") (3)
  • Realisation ("He had shed most of his friends and his romances had almost disappeared. He was almost turning himself into a hermit inside a very busy city.") (91)
  • Don’t ("It was as if they were in their own private world. Ray was there now, watching the television. He looked long and lazy and desirable spread out on the floor with his head on the pillows. He also looked tired, but not too tired for what Fraser had in mind.") (93)
  • Favourite Moments (100)

Issue 2

Pack Mates 2 was published in 1996 and is 102 pages long.

  • Blood on Blood ("He was almost dizzy but not, almost in incredible pain but not, almost had blurry vision but not. He didn't know quite what was happening but he knew he was in trouble, the sort of trouble he definitely didn't like.") (56 pages)
  • Homeward Bound ("Fraser leant down and kissed him again. This kiss had all the bottled up desire and passion that the first had missed. It also had all the feelings of loss and absence that he had been feeling. I twas like coming home after a long time away.") (7 pages)
  • A New Direction ("He wanted Fraser to stand up for himself. He wanted him to stop allowing himself to be treated like a doormat. Ray knew how that felt and he didn't want Fraser to feel anything like that.") (30 pages)
  • Cabin Fever ("As Ray ambled back past him, his hands grabbed Ray's hips. He could feel the bone with his fingers through the light pants that Ray wore. His hands took a firm hold then dragged Ray back to set him down on his knees. Fraser astonished himself, all of a sudden he had a slightly shocked Ray Vecchio sitting on his lap.") (8 pages)
  • Something to Believe In ("Oh I admit that you drive me nuts most of the time but I can take that. I can take just about anything from you.") (1 page)


  1. ^ from Strange Bedfellows (APA) #12 (February 1996)
  2. ^ a fan on Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (July 19, 1996)