Open Water

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Title: Open Water
Author(s): Boadicea
Date(s): 2002 or before
Fandom(s): Star Trek: Voyager
External Links: archived copy

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Open Water is an Janeway/Owen Paris by Boadicea.

Reactions and Reviews

rapefic... if you've read voyager, you've undoubtably read boadicea. one paragraph of a boadicea story can show you, instantly, all the ways in which words should work, should push us. it makes you want to stretch. there is so much beauty in this story, so much brutality. I have never read anything which so fundamentally challenged my understanding of character, causation and truth. [1]

This is a difficult story to read, but an excellent Janeway character study that delves into shame and guilt. And corrects a really annoying inconsistency in canon.[2]


  1. ^ Fave fics part 1, Archived version, December 25, 2002
  2. ^ "Big Block of Voyager Fic Recs". Archived from the original on 2019-04-24.