One to Let Go

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Title: One to Let Go
Author(s): Smittywing
Date(s): March 2006
Length: Wordcount: 10,680
Genre: het
Fandom: Stargate Atlantis
External Links: online here

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One to Let Go is a Stargate Atlantis Weir/Sumner story by Smittywing.

Reactions and Reviews

Why this must be read: That's right folks, I'm reccing het fic! Weir/Sumner is one of those pairings that doesn't get a lot of play, but definitely should. smittywing's story shows you just why this pairing works. There's just the right mix of humor and heartbreak (because we all know what happens to Sumner *gulp*) and hotness and just the right amount of awkwardness between the characters. This fic is set shortly before the expedition to Atlantis and puts a focus on a side of Weir that most of us haven't explored before. This is the fic that made me like Weir, and think about her as more than just what's portrayed on the show and it made me absolutely love Sumner, because, it and see for yourself. Don't forget to read smittywing's notes and check out the picture that inspired the fic.[1]


  1. ^ rec at Crack Van, May 2007