One Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty-Three Feet

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Title: One Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty-Three Feet
Author(s): Kyra
Date(s): 22 Dec, 2011
Length: 4432 words
Fandom(s): Ferris Bueller's Day Off
External Links: AO3

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One Thousand, Three Hundred and Fifty-Three Feet is a 2011 Yuletide fic by Kyra for Ferris Bueller's Day Off. It is the most popular fic in the fandom with over 9900 hits and 1100 kudos. It centers on the poly ship Ferris/Cameron/Sloane.

Reactions and Reviews

I love this story so much. This is the Ferris Bueller story that I have wanted to read for years, ever since I learned that fanfiction existed, basically. You did such a great job with all three characters, but especially Sloane. She's such a happy little enigma in the movie, and I love the depth you've given her here. I think the choice to have their friendship develop as a triad, rather than make Sloane the interloping girlfriend intruding on the boys' fun, works really, really well. It explains the obvious closeness between all three of them, and leads really naturally into the romantic entanglements later (which, of course, is my favorite part). I also like the way you've structured the piece, jumping around a little in time. The bit at the beginning, about Sloane's plans, is fantastic. It really sets the tone for the whole story. I also really enjoyed the mirroring of the "come here"s in the hook up scenes; it tied the past and the present together nicely. If I begin quoting favorite lines, I might go on all night, so I'll limit myself to just this: this description of Ferris "drinking a milkshake in a takeout cup ... raising his eyebrows at her as he handed her a straw" is so dead on I can't even. Can't you just see Mathew Broderick making that face?!


i'm so! emotional! i don't even know what to SAY. this fic was so intimate and so tender. i'm obsessed with your sloane POV and the added dimensions and details you gave her - the entire intro paragraph was just delightful, the detail about her and jeanie, how she met cameron first, the bit about ferris asking her out three times. the backstory for the ot3 was! perfect!

i'm SPEECHLESS this just made me feel so many things. i'm so in love with their love and the realistic, natural, and beautiful way they came together throughout the fic. i really liked seeing them in the future and how even when they moved away and sloane and ferris stopped dating, their connection was strong enough they they still kept touch.

it's so brilliant how each dynamic is showcased and developed. what we see of ferris and cameron especially is done so well since it's not in either of their POV - the "okay" bit was so gentle and so THEM! "It's not up to me" followed by ferris asking sloane if cameron can kiss her!!!!!! ferris walking away to leave them be and cameron telling him not to be a moron!!!!!!!! .... i'm incoherent! this is all so soft!!!!!


This is beyond amazing. I’ve read this sooo many times and I still get the same feelings from is as if I’m reading it for the first time. Every time I watch the movie I immediately come to find this fic again. The past and the present were written so well, there was a perfect amount of each. No one overpowering the other. I think you portrayed the characters perfectly. Especially Cameron. When he runs away that one night but built up the courage to go through with it then? Amazing character development. You can tell they’ve all matured, but they’re still their goofy selves. Thank you so much for giving this to us. Absolutely wonderful.


This makes my heart overflow with love. I love the choice of Sloan POV, and your version of their future selves feels so true. --no, I have more thoughts! I really love how you contrast Cameron and Ferris at these two stages in their lives via the threesome--how we see (in just a few lines) the ways they both change when they get out of high school and into a bigger world--how freeing it is for Cameron, how much more--solid he becomes, and then how Ferris experiences it as the transition from big fish in small pond to average fish in gigantic pond. I love Sloane's observation that he seems smaller (especially because--he seems smaller to *her,* when she goes to visit him her world opens up too) and it makes so much sense that he's the one to try to walk away from the two of them this time, who has to be pulled back, because now he's the one who's no longer sure of his place. And it all just feels so natural, like the way they would really grow up.



  1. ^ AO3 comment (2011)
  2. ^ AO3 comment (2020)
  3. ^ AO3 comment (2017)
  4. ^ AO3 comment (2011)