One Little Room an Everywhere

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Title: One Little Room an Everywhere
Author(s): toujours_nigel
Date(s): 6 January 2011
Length: 300 words
Genre(s): epilogue
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: (members-locked)

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"One Little Room an Everywhere" is a ficlet by toujours_nigel based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set some time after the end of the novel, at a time when Laurie and Ralph are lovers. The title of the story comes from Donne's poem "The Good-Morrow".


Too much that is unspoken haunts their lives, yet happiness cannot quite elude them.


Comments on the story include the following:

  • "You've captured the impression of the Stiff Upper Lip beautifully!"—comment by fanged_geranium
  • "I am left speechless. It was so beautiful. Thank you for writing it."—comment by dramadream10
  • "*sniffs* Lovely and poignant, thank you!"—comment by trueriver