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Synonyms: Onesided
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One-sided is an adjective added to a ship name, indicating that only one members of them has feeling for the other. Almost always used for a relationship between two characters, the feelings are romantic or, less commonly, sexual in nature. A one-sided ship focuses more on the angst of the crush than the fuzzy or intense feelings commonly present in a ship.

When used, it's usually the first character in the ship name that has unrequited feeling towards the other. For example, when tagging One-sided Alice/Bob, it means that Alice's feelings are not reciprocated by Bob; when tagging One-sided Bob/Alice, instead, it's Bob who's struggling for Alice.

Pay attention that the use of this tag does not mean that the unrequited feelings are unknown to the non-reciprocator. While it's a common set-up from the lover's POV that the feelings remain hidden, when the story is told from the other side, they may know the feeling the other has and struggle how to keep their existing relationship/distance from their lover.