Once Bitten (Star Trek VOY story)

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Title: Once Bitten
Author(s): m.c. moose
Date(s): 1998
Fandom(s): Star Trek: VOY
External Links: Read on the wayback machine

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"Once Bitten" is a Star Trek: VOY story by m.c. moose.

It was posted to alt.startrek.creative.

Reactions and Reviews

I thought this was a fantastic, typically intelligent moose story. All the characters were portrayed with dignity, and there was no easy solution. [1]

This is another m.c. moose story that stood out amongst a collection of greats. I enjoyed the way in which this story handled the issue of Pon Farr with maturity, and without reducing it to a joke about the sexual appetite of Vulcans. If m.c. writes good Janeway, she does excellant Vulcan. Highly recommended story. [2]

I'm not sure that this should be under the "Janeway" category [in the ASC Awards] because it does so much with Tuvok and Chakotay. What does friendship mean? What does love impel us to do? What are the limits of forgiveness? She addresses them all. [3]

OK. I've been trying to vote on only one of an author's stories, but I can't help it. I love this one, too. I happen to be rather fond of pon farr stories myself (ahem...), and what I love about this one is that m.c. hasn't lost sight of a critical point. Tuvok would do just about anything to prevent the breaking of his bond with T'Pel. I had a different solution in my own pon farr story, but m.c.'s solution is just as good, and definitely one I could see happening. [4]


  1. ^ ASC, March 1999
  2. ^ ASC, March 1999
  3. ^ ASC, March 1999
  4. ^ ASC, March 1999