Odds Against

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Title: Odds Against
Publisher: Maverick Press
Date(s): 2002
Medium: print, zine
Fandom: Starsky and Hutch/Forever Knight/Professionals
Language: English
External Links: part one; part two
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Odds Against is a slash crossover AU anthology by Tasha that collects the "Odds Against" stories previously published in Dark Fantasies.

1. Challenging the Odds - published in Dark Fantasies 1 as "Odds Against"

2. Changing the Odds - published in Dark Fantasies 2 as "Metamorphosis"

3. Beating the Odds - published in Dark Fantasies 8 as "Transitions"


The Hatstand's summary: "These stories have a World War II setting. All three stories crossover with Starsky and Hutch with the pairings of Bodie/Doyle and Starsky/Hutch. The second and third stories also crossover with Forever Knight, becoming at that point also vampire stories. The main emphasis throughout is on Starsky and Hutch." [1]

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Another crossover that works is "Odds Against" in "Dark Fantasies #1." it is a Pros/Starsky & Hutch crossover, but it is also an AU set in the tumultuous days leading up to WW II. It works, partly as a result of the extensive research Tasha did, even to checking railroad and sailing schedules from ads in old "National Geographic" magazines. I am not really into S&H, but it was done so well, that I enjoyed it. [2]


[parts one and two]: Why this must be read: Why? Because it is the best of two worlds, Starsky and Hutch and the Professionals. Even if you have never seen the Professionals you will enjoy this story. Tasha does a wonderful job of putting Starsky and Hutch in the world in 1939. Hutch is a Lieutenant and Pilot that trains fighter Pilots and intelligence operations of G2. Starsky is a Chemist working on developing a chemical that could kill anything in sight. They are in love(Yay).

Starsky gets himself in trouble because the bad guys want his formula for this "GAS" and he has destroyed it so that it can`t be used to harm anyone...you can see where this is going, yes Hutch to the rescue, but he needs the help of British intelligence Brodie and Doyle.

This is exciting, angsty, and just really good. [3]


I was a huge S&H fan as a child and started reading S&H fanfic about three years ago. I was reading "Odds Against" by Tasha, which also features B&D . A light bulb went off in my head! I remembered the show, and quickly found the fan sites and fan fiction sites. That was mid-2009. ....I started reading as much of the fic as I could, bought the dvd boxset and it has snowballed from there. I've made a lot of new 'net friends as a result, which is always a good thing. *g* [4]


  1. ^ The Hatstand
  2. ^ from Virgule-L, quoted anonymously (October 19, 1994)
  3. ^ from a 2010 comment at Crack Van
  4. ^ 2011 comments at How did you get into Pros fandom?