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OMG! Fandom

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Journal Community
Name: OMG! Fandom
Date(s): 2007-2012
Moderator: arana_suteshi, poisonangel7
Founder: poisonangel7
Type: Fanart, Fanfiction, Roleplay
Fandom: Kyou Kara Maou
URL: https://omg-fandom.livejournal.com/

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OMG! Fandom was a satellite community for two RP communities, OMG!! Kyou Kara Maou! and its successor OMG!KKM. The two RPs shared the same premise but not the same character journals. The satellite community was created in February of the year OMG!! Kyou Kara Maou! officially went inactive, and when OMG!KKM was created as a successor in June, OMG! Fandom was also used for fanworks set in its storyline.


OMG! Fandom is a sister community for omg_kkm and omg_maou. It is designed for OMG!KKM and OMG!maou players and lurkers to post and read/view fanfic and fanarts based on the omg!kkm RP worlds. Think of it as a home away from home, where creative juices flow when the game is slow (it rhymes!)

Feel free to set up drabble challenges or make a request for a fic or pic you would like to see, or share your fics and art with the community.

This is an open community. Lurkers are welcome and encouraged to participate!