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Journal Community
Name: Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted
Date(s): 2007-2016
Fandom: Assassin's Creed

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nothingtrue is an Assassin's Creed community on Livejournal.


Welcome to the Assassin's Creed Fanworks Community. Fanworks include anything from fanfiction to Youtube videos of your Assassin's Creed-inspired interpretive dance performance, and everything in between (icons, fanart, fanvids, fannish speculation about the upcoming games-- we're pretty all-inclusive here).

Nothing is True and Everything is Permitted-- but please, play nice. Your friendly neighborhood moderators have little patience for wank.

Basic Rules:

1. The LJ-cut is your friend! Learn it. Love it. Use it. Fic, lengthy discussion, icon posts of more than six icons, and images and videos that are larger than 350x350px should go behind a cut. (We're not going to count pixels on you- basically, if it breaks a layout, we'll ask you to cut it or resize it for everyone's convenience.)

2. Mark for spoilers, please, and put them behind a cut! Not everyone gets a chance to play the games when they come out.

3. Please indicate the rating of your fic/fanart, and put anything that might be NSFW behind a cut. Warnings for things like non-con or character death are greatly appreciated.

4. Tag your posts! If you're posting fic or art, make use of the author:[yourname], artist:[yourname], pairing:[whomever/whomever], and rating:[g, pg-13, mature] tags. If you want to add character tags, please use the same format- character:[charactername]. The less work the maintainer has to do to keep the tags organized, the happier she'll be. :)

This is a slash and het friendly community! As the tag line says, everything is permitted- so please, come, be welcome, post frequently, and most importantly, have fun!