Nothin' But The Best

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Title: Nothing' But The Best
Author(s): Zac D.
Date(s): 1998
Length: 68 chapters
Fandom(s): Hanson
External Links: Nothin' But The Best

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Nothing' But The Best is a Hanson fanfic written by Zac D.

The story primarily revolves around a fictional set of siblings in a band, who also happen to be from Tulsa and have a sibling named Zac. Their paths eventually cross Hanson's, leading to romance and other troubles, as the two bands lead very, very different lives. Zac maintained a Yahoo! Group to post updates about this and his other fic.[1]

Reactions and Reviews

It isn’t a cheesy romance and it probably was fairly groundbreaking for its time. A story about another young band with very different lives from Hanson becoming entwined in Hanson’s lives, complete with drugs, teen pregnancy, and other such angsty topics—yeah, I can see how that would be a breath of fresh air in a sea of teenybopper fantasies.[2]

A story about The Hanson Family and the Dentra Family, written by a way-cool guy named Zac.(ironic, isn't it?)[3]

woo hooo.. wow. I can't believe I read that whole thing, lol. The chapters weren't short either! So that tells you right there that "Nothin' But the Best" doesn't suck. I have read stories where other bands "collide" with Hanson, but this story was very developed. Lots of dialogue, and I think the author really wants you to get a strong opinion about that characters. There was always something that was going on too, and that kept me reading. Some form of conflict, and I was like "DAMN, how they gonna get outta this one.." so I kept going.[4]


Nothin' But The Best made it onto the Hanson's Creek top 50 list.
