No courage in him

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Title: No courage in him
Author(s): naraht
Date(s): 21 January 2013
Length: 1162 words
Genre(s): futurefic
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
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"No courage in him" is a short story by naraht based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It takes place after the end of the book, and is seen from the perspective of Nurse Adrian.


When Laurie returns briefly to the E.M.S. hospital, he gets drunk at a party in the nurses' common room. A couple of months later, Nurse Adrian realizes that she is pregnant. Laurie marries her, of course.


"No courage in him" was inspired by Makioka's story, "A Serious Talk".


Comments on the story include the following:

  • "On rereading this, I particularly appreciate how it begins and finishes with an accident. An error of judgement and an accident of timing. It knits the whole piece together, and gives it a feeling of realism- life isn't much more than a strung together series of coincidences. With those two incidents in place, the framework of everything that must and will lead up to the reveal is even more poignant. I really really like this."—comment by makioka
  • "Oh god, this is wrenching and devastating; but you know from me that's praise, not an indictment. The writing is gorgeous, and the premise very believable"—comment by highfantastical