Muses of meifu

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Journal Community
Name: Muses of Meifu, Yami no Matsuei Monthly Fic Challenge Community
Date(s): 2005-2007
Moderator: kouriarashi, wolfpilot06
Founder: wolfpilot06
Type: Fanfiction challenge
Fandom: Yami no Matsuei

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muses_of_meifu was a challenge community for Yami no Matsuei fanfiction. As of 2023, there were 32 entries and 135 comments recorded in the community.


Basically, this is a community where fic challenges (genre, line-fic challenges, songfic challenges, ideas, topics, whatever) can be suggested by anyone in a general thread. Then, at the beginning of each month, ten of these challenges are randomly selected and posted. Ten people then can each choose one of the topics; their task, then, is to write a fic to answer the challenge within a month. The fic must be at least 500 words long and pertain to the challenge, but otherwise, there are no other requirements! (Except, of course, that it must be Yami no Matsuei; crossovers are allowed, however)

So! In summary:

1) Suggest any fic challenges in the general challenge thread

2) On the last day of a month, ten new challenges are posted

3) People sign up for the challenges - one person per challenge, but more people can unofficially take up a challenge, if they wish

4) The people who signed up for a challenge have a month to churn out a fic to answer the challenge

5) The fic must be at least 500 words in length

6) Members do not need to sign up for a challenge every month. =) This is completely optional.

7) The challenge fics are posted in the community by the end of the month

8) If, for whatever reason, you are unable to answer a challenge within the month, please notify the community so someone else can take up the challenge!

9) If a challenge is not answered within a month, it will be recycled in a future month.

10) Have fun! Please don't flame anyone or the administrator, and please keep strictly on topic. The purpose of this community is to stimulate more fic ideas and to inspire authors to write more fiction for Yami no Matsuei. =)