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Title: Mumps...
Author(s): trueriver
Date(s): 21 August 2005
Length: 573 words
Genre(s): sequel
Fandom(s): Mary Renault
External Links: archived on LJ

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"Mumps..." is a ficlet by trueriver based on Mary Renault's 1953 novel The Charioteer. It is set sometime after the novel, and features Laurie's stepfather, Mr Straike, and his former housemaster at school, Mr Jepson (known to Straike by his schoolboy nickname, "Mumps"). The story is seen from Jepson's perspective.


Straike and Jepson meet up again at the annual Old Boys' Dinner at the school they both attended.


"Mumps..." was written in response to the Mumps Challenge, a Sunday Chat challenge to write a story "[w]herein Mumps Jepson tells Straike about the Lanyon scandal - or any variation thereof".


  • "really, luv, you are going to have to write the villains all the time...they're both so perfectly slimy and pretentious and stick-up-the-arse judgmental.."—comment by my_cnnr
  • "I love it! I love that you wrote it from Jeepers's (aka Mumps) perspective. And the end is too funny.
    Oh, and all the younger boys running after Lanyon - I love that line - sums up Ralph's appeal. :-)
    I just posted my version. Very different - but no ketchup there either."
    —comment by poicale