More Than a Touch of the Blarney

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Title: More Than a Touch of the Blarney
Author(s): Cilla Futcher
Date(s): 1983
Genre(s): gen
Fandom(s): Star Trek: TOS
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More Than a Touch of the Blarney is a gen Star Trek: TOS story by Cilla Futcher.

It was published in Alnitah #15.

Reactions and Reviews

Romp. Kirk and McCoy connive to make Spock kiss the Blarney stone, and regret it when Spock develops an exhausting gift for gab. [1]

My favourite story in this zine, though, is 'More than a Touch of Blarney,' in which Kirk and McCoy coax Spock into kissing the Blarney Stone, which as everyone knows, gives people the gift of gab. It certainly works on Spock, whose speech immediately takes on an Irish charm and verbosity, but his friends find this disconcerting when it goes on and on... and on. [2]
