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Moffitt Missions

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Title: Moffitt Missions
Publisher: ByrenLee Press
Editor(s): Carol Burrell
Date(s): 2001-2002
Medium: print
Fandom: Rat Patrol
Language: English
External Links: Zine flyer
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Moffitt Missions is a gen anthology featuring Sergeant Moffitt.

Issue 1

cover of issue #1, zine edition
cover of issue #1, a hardbound edition

Moffitt Missions 1 was published in spring/summer 2001 and contains 240 pages.

  • Calculated Risk gen story by Con Featherby (sequel to the "B Negative Raid")
  • In Paw-Paw's Attic by Cynthia K. Taylor and Judith B. Wolford (A young lady on the eve of leaving for college goes up into the attic for a trunk and finds herself going through her grandpa's army trunk.)
  • Haiku by Judith B Wolford (A collection of haikus about the Rats and the desert war.)
  • Destiny to Guide by SarahAnne Corlett (Moffitt is held captive by a young woman who wants to trade him to the Germans for her brother.)
  • Except My Life by SarahAnne Corlett (After being captured by Dietrich, Moffitt discovers that his father is even more in demand by the Germans than he is.)
  • Art Lynette Posey (charcoal portrait of Sgt. Moffitt)
  • Dark Betrayal by Con Featherby (A recurring nightmare comes true when Moffitt is kidnaped and then must use all his desert skills to try to save his own life and that of his captor.)
  • The Visions Lost and Found Raid by Cynthia K. Taylor and Judith B. Wolford (Dietrich loses a prisoner but finds some unexpected insight into the man his enemy is.)
  • The More Things in Heaven and Earth Raid by Cynthia K. Taylor and Judith B. Wolford (The week before Christmas in the North African desert brings little in the way of holiday spirit to the members of the Rat Patrol--they are assigned a mission to kill an old friend turned traitor.)
  • The Eyes of Bastet by Jan Ilott and Rhonda Overbeck (A mysterious encounter at an ancient Egyptian temple may be a warning from the past or the hallucinations of a fever dream--and the safety of the patrol hangs in the balance.)
  • In the Clear by Con Featherby Looming stormclouds lead the Rat Patrol into a situation where a spy in their midst and a vengeful German both have their sights set on killing Moffitt. A followup to the episode "The Mask-a-Raid".)

Issue 2

Moffitt Missions 2 was published in 2002.

  • Artwork by Nett Posey
  • Blind Side by Con Featherby (A week of leave in Cairo should be anything but worrying. Moffitt finds he has far more worries than he would like--and Hitch is at the root of them.)
  • Cartoons: GI Newspaper Style by David McMullen (An article about the cartoons that appeared in the newspapers the GI's read.)
  • Divergence of Duty by Cynthia K Taylor and Judith B Wolford (Moffitt betrays the Patrol and a sensitive dispatch that could compromise an upcoming Allied offensive into the hands of a sadistic German colonel interested only in his own advancement. What could have caused Moffitt to turn traitor?)
  • Excerpt from Operation Diamond by Cindy K Taylor and Judith B. Wolford (The finals of the intercompany baseball games are in full swing, giving everyone a welcome respite from the war, but Moffitt has the nagging feeling that Dietrich may take the opportunity to take revenge for being finessed.)
  • Limericks of the Most Moffitty Sort by Judith Wolford (Limericks featuring Sgt. Moffitt.)
  • The LRDG in Cairo (article)
  • Meteorology: What's in a Name? (article, What is the connection between the prevailing Khamseen winds and a drink offered to Moffitt by a disreputable gunrunner?)
  • Moffitt's Home on the Sand filk by by Judith Wolford (a filk to "Home on the Range".)
  • Schoolmates by Kit Parsons (A revelation about an old schoolmate prompts Moffitt to think back on his youth and his naïve flirtation with politics.)
  • This One Time by Con Featherby (Dietrich and Moffitt, drawn together by the history held in a stolen Egyptian tablet, collaborate to save it. But tomb robbers and a vengeful countryman demand a share of that treasure.)
  • WWII Military Vehicles Used in North Africa by Barry Faltesek (An article about the military vehicles used in the real North African theatre.)