Mission Beyond

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Title: Mission Beyond
Author(s): Pollyanna
Date(s): 1997
Fandom(s): Star Trek: DS9
External Links: Available at trekiverse

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Mission Beyond is a Star Trek: DS9 story by Pollyanna.

It was posted at alt.startrek.creative.

This story has a sequel called Three Card Trick.

Reactions and Reviews

One *very* few stories to actually take on the notion that the Dukat who allied Cardassian with the Dominion in "By Inferno's Light" and "In Purgatory's Shadow" was a changling. Pollyanna brings in the SF Marines and recruits Bashir for the recon mission to the Gamma Quadrant. A great action story, stuffed with new characters which have a real sharpness to them, and a good sense of timing which keeps the story moving and fun to read! [1]


  1. ^ alt.startrek.creative, March 1998